Monday, March 6, 2017

A new year

I can't believe that it's already March and that this is my first post for 2017.

Steady progress is being made on the interior of the Trainbarn, with the entry area almost finished.  I have been getting some of my enamel signs out of their long-term storage and am enjoying installing them on the support beam in the entry area.  Where possible I am trying to place them in some sort of geographical order, though the Southern sign is clearly totally out of place, but standing in for a Southern Pacific one.

I have also started painting the main display area, with about one-third of the area undercoated, including the ceiling.  While it is certainly a big job I am very pleased with how it's going and hopefully it won't be the arduous task that some have predicted.

With some reasonable rain and temperatures I have also enjoyed getting outside and knocking the rest of the property back into shape.  I have let things go a bit over the last couple of years, with every available moment spent working on the 'barn, but now that completion is drawing near I'm enjoying getting back into some mowing, clearing etc. outside.

I'm hoping to start forming-up some of our tracks soon, too, which will be a real advancement!  In any case I'm certainly looking forward to what this year holds, and perhaps we'll be able to celebrate the proper completion of the Trainbarn, ready for some layout-building action!