Sunday, September 9, 2018

A fort?

A quick update from yesterday's progress in the barn.  I've been working on the parts for the base of my next layout - Tri-ang OO - and yesterday, with the parts for three sides complete, I couldn't resist putting them together in the place that they'll live.  That also clears my improvised work area for side number four!

The photos aren't great quality, having been just snapped on my phone, but here's the new layout as seen from the entry archway.

And looking in a different direction with the TT layout in the background.  Incidentally, the TT layout has been progressing well, with the main station largely complete as regards all the required accessory items.

As my layouts don't need to be portable I like the bases to be fully enclosed, so I basically use house stud-wall techniques to build them, and then sheeted with wallboard or, in this case, plywood.  Most things that I build are massively and excessively strong, and these bases are no exception!  Once side number four is in place I'll build a simple table top on the base, similar to what is known as the L-girder technique.  Side four will have a small doorway for access to the electrics and, most likely, some useful storage space.

Seeing something so substantial come together like this was immensely satisfying!  I'm looking forward very much to the completion of the table-top and the start of tracklaying and the placement of accessories.